Visioning Meditation 2022

If you’re unclear about next steps, try this meditation to get still and connect with guidance from within. You may be surprised by how effortlessly your intuition speaks to you when you gift yourself a few minutes of spaciousness and freedom…

Susannah Kenton

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2 Responses

  1. WOW! Thank you Susannah! Your visioning meditation is such a blessing and at just the perfect moment (I recently retired from teaching and am still clarifying my personal vision for the coming years). I must add I have listened to many, many meditations but your voice and spirit touched me very deeply. Another example of synchronicity… have been sitting on our bookshelf for many years after my mother gave me your Raw Energy book (1984 edition). Then a few weeks ago my wife and I decided to really go for a raw food diet and picked up your book. We are totally inspired! All the best for your podcast!
    Kia Ora from our home in the Karawanken mountains of Austria.

    1. I am so touched to receive your kind comment, Mark, thank you. I love the Raw Energy synchronicity too. May the combination of retirement, visioning and raw foods open up a magical space for you and your wife to dream into your new life. Blessings to your Austrian mountain home from Aotearoa.

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