Sleep Bundle

Listen to samples of this bundle

This selection includes four of Susannah’s most loved guided journeys for sleep.

Each track has words and music to relax your body, soothe your mind and help you drift into dreamtime.

Bonuses: The Bundle also includes Your Better Sleep Checklist, with tips to enhance your sleep hygiene, as well as Tapping Basics for Beginners and the Tap Yourself Free PDF guide, to help you reap the rewards of EFT tapping for stress relief and relaxation.

Wrap yourself up in Susannah’s Sleep Bundle and reclaim the ability to enjoy deep, restorative sleep, night after night.

“You have helped me get back to sleep many times, especially when I have woken up with anxiety. Thank you!” Monika

“Your voice felt like a soft, warm blanket of love wrapped around my entire being and any idea of stress or pressure just melted away.” Morgan

“I had several nights of middle-of-the-night insomnia. When I came across your track is was like magic – thank you.” Barb



Listen to Samples

Guided Journey into Sleep

Back to Sleep Journey

Tap into Better Sleep

Anna and the Whale


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